
My mother gave me her oil paints a few years ago when she decided to stop painting. It is about time I used them- so I have made a start with some kimono silk and oil pictures of the family .



In November last year we had our photograph taken by Martin Parr during a weekend when he offered to take family portraits. We had spent weeks trying to decide what to wear - agonising. What truly represents us now, as we have been and in the future?

In the end I decided to wear a dress I had bought in 2001 at a time when we were at a transitional moment. It has become a dress I wear when change is imminent - a seachange dress.

Today I decided to start on a piece of work which reflects the spirit of seachange. Day 1 is 5 silk discs of changing horizons.

martin parr dress.jpg

City Hall Bristol Saturday March 3rd

If you are in Bristol, please come to the City Hall, College Green on Saturday to see Consigned to Women's Hands, a

contemporary textile exhibition. I will be showing (and selling) a number of pieces from Colour-mapping Japan.